Ordering Procedure

Orders can be placed by sending the duly completed and signed respective form to the respective contact person. BRIT has revised its A1 Form, A2 Form and A3 Form and has introduced a new D1 form for Deuterium Labelled Compounds. Please use the new forms while placing fresh orders.

Most of these forms are in the pdf format and can be filled using Adobe Reader. Kindly send us a signed print-out of the form for further action.

R1 Form
RPP Vashi
A3 Form

Customers are required to have their laboratories/facilities and also products/services approved/authorized by Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) prior to placement of orders with BRIT.

N.B. New orders are referred to AERB for obtaining authentication and an acknowledgement is sent to the customer with a Key No. (IGA/****C). Orders already authorized by AERB (authorization for the doctor/user and the premises) are sent to the respective production laboratory.

The order is then released and sent to the respective production laboratory, subject to receipt of advance payment in the form of a demand draft drawn in favour of Accounts Officer, BRIT payable at Mumbai.

Contact Persons:

  Radiography Exposure Devices - Pravin Kumar, Dy.General Manager, Sealed Sources

  ISOMED - Amit Shrivastav, Dy. General Manager, ISOMED

  Radiopharmaceuticals - Rajesh Kumar, DGM, S&M

  32P Nucleotides and other Products - Papia Hazra, Officer-in-Charge, RC Hyderabad

 Teletherapy & Open Sources, Labelled Compounds and Radiochemicals -Rajesh Kumar, DGM, S&M

  RPP, Vashi - Atul Kumar Tyagi, Facility-in-Charge, RPP Vashi.