Radiation Processing Plant, Vashi (RPP) is the first commercial-scale Gamma Irradiator for food processing in India. The facility was commissioned on January 1, 2000, with the mandate of showcasing commercial viability of Gamma Irradiators for food processing. The facility is providing radiation processing services to approximately 300 customers from all over the country for irradiation of spices, Ayurvedic raw materials, pet feed, animal feed and packaging material etc.
The facility has obtained certification of ISO 9001:2015, ISO 22000:2018 and ISO 13485:2016. It is also in the list of approved plants by European Union.

Plant is designed for a maximum of 1 million Ci of Co-60 and is capable of processing of wide varieties of products with an approximate throughput of 10,000 Te/ year at an average dose of 10 kGy.

The Radiation processing plant at Vashi has acquired accreditation for compliance with ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 22000:2018 certification and also features on the list of approved facilities of the European Union.
Procedure for Customer Registration
For more information on certifications of RPP, Vashi from different agencies, please click the respective link :
The plant being in the vicinity of Agricultural Produce Market, traders and exporters can derive maximum benefit out of this technology by increasing acceptance of their product in the international market. The products are processed under strict adherence to Good Radiation Practices and in-house quality assurance programme.
NOTE: All customers of Radiation Processing Plant, Vashi are hereby informed that plant operation will remain suspended on second Tuesdays/Wednesdays of every month for preventive maintenance activities. All customers are requested to prepare/plan their consignments accordingly.
Contact :
Atul Kumar Tyagi
Facility-in-Charge, Radiation Processing Plant, Vashi
Board of Radiation & Isotope Technology, BRIT/BARC Vashi Complex, Sector 20 Vashi, Navi Mumbai-400 703
(022)2788 7411