BRIT Overview

Board of Radiation and Isotope Technology (BRIT) is an Industrial Unit of Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Government of India. The pioneers of the Indian Atomic Energy Programme, having foreseen the importance of the applications of radioisotopes in diverse fields, conceived a separate organization - BRIT - to promote this non-power sector in tandem with the principal pursuit of Nuclear Power generation. BRIT commenced administration of the production programme along commercial lines on March 01, 1989.

BRIT provides a broad portfolio of products in the form of Radiopharmaceuticals, Labelled Compound and Nucleotides, Sealed Radiation Sources, Gamma Chambers, Blood Irradiators and Radiography Exposure Devices. BRIT also offers Isotope Application services, Radioanalytical services, Calibration and Dosimetry services and Radiation Processing Services besides Project Consultancy services for setting up Radiation Processing Plants in the private sector.

BRIT has a wide geographic coverage through its six Regional Centres located at Bengaluru, Delhi, Dibrugarh, Hyderabad, Kolkata and Kota. BRIT’s focus on harnessing the benefits of radioisotope applications and radiation technology across industry, healthcare, research and agricultural sectors continues to create a visible impact by fulfilling societal needs through its various commercial ventures all over India.


Our Vision

Our Mandate

  • The vision of Board of Radiation and Isotope Technology (BRIT) is to empower India through Technology, creation of more wealth and providing better off life to its citizens. This is to be achieved by making India energy independent, contributing to provision of sufficient, safe and nutritious food and better health care to our people through development and deployment of radiation technologies and their applications.
  • To provide better quality of life

The mandate of the Organization, on which its program is based, covers:

  • Reaching the fruit of R&D in the field of radioisotope and radiation technology to the society.
  • Commercial exploitation of this technology without losing sight of societal obligations.
  • Propagation of relevant technology.
  • Production of radioisotopes through research reactors and carrying out radiation technology applications in the field of medicine, agriculture and industry.
  • Interaction with Universities and academic institutions, Support to research and development projects having a bearing in DAE’s programmes and international cooperation in relation to advanced areas of research.
  • Contributing to National Security.