Low Level Check Sources

Low Level Check Sources:

Low level check sources are used for checking the efficiency of radiation monitors and instruments. It is also used for energy calibration experiments/studies  and as a tracer in well logging.

Note*- Source supplied under this category are not absolutely calibrated sources and hence no calibration certificate will be issued.

Procedure to procure low-level check sources from BRIT:

The application is to be submitted (separate application for each product code and quantity) in duly filled in the A-3 form (available in our web site http://www.britatom.gov.in/) along with specific source procurement authorization (NOC) obtained from AERB, through the e-Licensing of Radiation Applications (eLORA) System.

Points to be noted while applying for AERB NOC from eLORA System

  • Login to the Sealed source profile.
  • Under regulatory -> form sealed source -> Application for procurement.
  • Select the product as per the product models are given in the following list by confirming the make as BRIT and supplier as BRIT.
  • While filling the application the purpose of the use is to be mentioned as “check source ”.


Beta Reference Sources-BRS*
Sr.No. Product Code Radiation Sources
1 BRS-2 (Co-60)
2 BRS-3 (Pb-210-Bi-210)
3 BRS-4 (Sr-90-Y-90)
4 BRS-5 (Tl-204)
5 BRS-7 (Ca-45)
6 BRS-8 (P-32)
7 BRS-9 (Pm-147)
8 DS Dummy sources -

*BRS – Evaporated ultrasonically sealed Beta source at the centre of 25 mm dia X 5 mm (OD) thick plastic disc and covered with 3mg/cm2 mm thick aluminised mylar film. Active diameter:6mm.

Maximum Strength - 1MBq

Conversion Electron Reference Sources
Sr.No. Product Code Radiation Sources
1 BAC-1 (Ba-133)
2 CEC-1 (Ce-141)
3 CSC-1 (Cs-137)
4 COC-1 (Co-57)
5 SNC-1 (Sn-113)

Conversion electron sandwiched evaporated source between the suitable thickness of aluminized mylar film rings: mounted on 25 mm dia X 5 mm thick (OD) plastic disc, adhesive (epoxy) sealed source. Active dia: ~6 mm at the center.

Maximum Strength - 1MBq

Nuclear Medicine Reference Sources
Sr.No. Product Code Radiation Sources
1 COSM-3 (Co-57)
  • COSM-3 Cobalt-57 Spot Marker Source (Anatomical Markers)
  • Evaporated gamma point source adsorbed on ceramic bead: mounted at the center of 25 mm dia X 5 mm thick (OD) color-coded plastic disc, adhesive (epoxy) sealed sources. Active dia: ~ 2 mm.

Maximum Strength - 1MBq

Gamma Reference Source – Disc Type
Sr.No. Product Code Radiation Sources
1 GDS-1 (Ba-133)
2 GDS-2 (Cs-137)
3 GDS-3 (Co-57)
4 GDS-4 (Co-60)
5 GDS-5 (Mn-54)
6 GDS-6 (Simulated I-131)
7 GDS-7 (Na-22)
8 GDS-8 (Cr-51)
9 GDS-9 (Hg-203)
10 GDS-10 (Zn-65)
11 GDS-11 (I-131)
12 GDS-12 (Eu-152)

GDS – Gamma Disc Source. Evaporated ultrasonically sealed gamma source at the center of 25 mm dia X 5 mm thick (OD) color-coded plastic disc and covered with 1mm thick plastic lid.Active dia: ~6 mm

Maximum Strength - 1MBq

Gamma Reference Sources – Rod Type
Sr.No. Product Code Radiation Sources
1 GRS-1 (Ba-133)
2 GRS-2 (Cs-137)
3 GRS-3 (Co-57)
4 GRS-4 (Co-60)
5 GRS-5 (Mn-54)
6 GRS-6 (Simulated I-131)
7 GRS-7 (Na-22)
8 GRS-8 (Cr-51)
9 GRS-9 (Hg-203)
10 GRS-10 (Zn-65)
11 GRS-11 (I-131)
12 GRS-12 (Eu-152)

GRS – Gamma Rod Source.Evaporated source at the end of 12 mm dia X 100 mm length (OD) colour coded plastic rod: adhesive (epoxy) sealed source. Active dia: ~6 mm

Maximum Strength - 1MBq

X-RAY & Low Energy Gamma Reference Sources
Sr.No. Product Code Radiation Sources
1 BAX-1 (Ba-133)
2 COX-1 (Co-57)
3 FEX-1 (Fe-55)
4 IOX-1 (I-125)
5 SNX-1 (Sn-113)

X-Ray & Low Energy Gamma source at the centre of 25 mm dia X 5 mm thick (OD) plastic disc: adhesive (epoxy) evaporated sealed source covered with suitable Mylar film window. Active dia: ~6mm.

Maximum Strength - 1MBq

Alpha Reference Sources
Sr.No. Product Code Product Description
1 AMS-1 Electrodeposited 241Americium α reference source upto 0.1µCi
2 PUS-1 Pu239 α reference source upto 0.1 µCi
3 PUS-2 Pu239 deposited by electroplating on SS plate of dim 0.15 cm x 10 cm With strength upto 0.1 µCi
  • Electrodeposited on S.S. planchette of 25 mm dia x 5 mm thick.
  • Active dimension: 10 mm dia

Maximum Strength - 1µCi

Beta & Gamma Reference Sources Kits - Disc Type
Sr.No. Product Code Product Description
1 BDB-1 Box containing a set of 4 Beta Disc(Pm-147, Co-60, Tl-204, Sr-90)Sources and one Dummy Source
2 GDB-1 Box containing a set of 5 Gamma Disc Sources and one Dummy Source, Any five of the following sources: Ba-133, Cs-137, Co-57, Co-60, Na-22, Mn-54
  • Beta Disc Source: Beta Source at the centre of 25 mm dia x 5 mm (OD) thick plastic disc source holder with suitable window
  • Gamma Disc Source: Evaporated source at the centre of 25 mm dia x 5 mm thick (OD) colour coded plastic disc adhesive (epoxy) sealed sources. Active dia: ~ 6 mm.
  • Packing, forwarding & freight charges will be levied at actuals.

Maximum Strength - 1MBq

Beta,Gamma Hand Monitor Radioactive Spread Sources
Sr.No. Product Code Product Description
1 ASR 1 Beta, Gamma hand monitor radioactive spread sources of Sr90 – Y90 (up to 4000 dpm)
2 ASR 2 Beta, Gamma hand monitor radioactive spread sources of Sr90 – Y90 (> 4000 dpm)

Maximum Strength - 1MBq

Low Level Industrial Sources
Sr.No. Product Code Radiation Sources
1 COSM-4 Electrodeposited Cobalt-57
2 ENI-2 Electrodeposited Nickle-63
3 EFE-1 Electrodeposited Ferrum-55
4 ECD-1 Electrodeposited Cadmium-109
5 BSTM-1 Electrodeposited Tl-204
6 PMDM-1 Electrodeposited Pm-147
7 PMDM-2 Beta Source Pm-147
8 ENI-1 Electrodeposited Nickle-63 TLD sources
9 PCO-1 Polymer radioactive film Cobalt-60 (“PIP” TAG sources)
10 EBAM-1 Electrodeposited Ba-133
11 ECOI-1 Electrodeposited Co-60

All the above sources are Electrodeposited sources except C0-60 “PIP” TAG sources.

Dimensions: # Co-60 “PIP” TAG sources are Evaporated thin polymer sources with the activity distributed uniformly. + Packing, forwarding & freight charges will be extra as applicable.

Maximum Strength - 1MBq

Contact :

Rajesh Kumar

DGM, S&M ,Board of Radiation & Isotope Technology

Project House, V.N. Purav Marg, Anushakti Nagar, Mumbai 400 094

(022) 27887314
